50 THINGS - Presentation Feedback
After presenting my initial research and Ideas to the group I was given some useful feedback on my idea. In general the ‘cabinet of curiosities’ idea seemed to be well received. I need to look at how I’m going to apply this to information design in a 2 dimensional space. One of my ideas was to look into general curation and exhibition of objects and how this is done to communicate information. A suggestion from the group was to go and get some first hand experience in archiving by contacting museums to see if I can get a look behind the scenes at how objects are stored, categorised and labelled etc. Fortunately I know someone who works in the archives at the British Museum and I can try to get a guest pass to have a look around for my research.
We also discussed what visual approach i’m going to take with this project, photographic, illustrative, typographic etc. At this early stage I hadn’t given too much thought to this but photography seemed to be an ideal route to go down to capture each object. Illustration would have been an approach that I would have liked to explore to reflect the early examples of information design I have researched. However with the time I have available for this project I think photography is a more sensible option. This won’t be a purely photographic approach, I will look at grid, typography and layout design in combination.
The challenge I have now is going to be how I make a collection 50 objects into an information design project. I am hoping that my museum and archiving research will give me some ideas as to how I can do this.