50 THINGS - L.A.T.C.H - Method of organisation
Richard Saul Wurman, graphic designer, architect, TED founder and originator of the term “information architect,” believes that nearly all organizational schemes for data can be reduced to five basic dimensions known as LATCH: Location, Alphabet, Time, Category and Hierarchy.
Callie Neylan - From ARCADE Issue 31.4
“While information may be infinite, the ways of structuring it are not. And once you have a place in which the information can be plugged, it becomes that much more useful. Your choice will be determined by the story you want to tell. Each way will permit a different understanding of the information—within each are many variations. However, recognizing that the main choices are limited makes the process less intimidating.”
The Business of Understanding - Richard Saul Wurman - 2000
I came across this while I have been researching ways to categorise seemingly unrelated objects. This will be a really useful system for me to familiarise myself with as I can use it to look at different approaches to displaying and organising the information I have.